Men's Ministries

Covenant's men’s ministries provide great opportunities for guys of all ages to connect, grow spiritually, at all ages and stages of life.

Relationships are important at Covenant—our relationship with God, and our relationships with each other. We have a variety of classes and small groups that offer different approaches to sharing truth and grace together as we follow Christ on the journey of faith.

  • Old Guys breakfast

    Well into our third decade of regular Tuesday morning meetings, the OGB is for guys old and young and everyone in between. We value establishing meaningful relationships, share in good humor, read a weekly devotional, and set aside plenty of time to pray for both personal and corporate concerns. Please join us for breakfast at 7:00 a.m. each Tuesday morning at the IHOP, 8065 N Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80920. If interested in attending or for more information click here.

  • Nuts&Bolts

    Nuts&Bolts is our monthly men’s fellowship breakfast. Nuts&Bolts meet the third Saturday of each month from 7:30–9:00 am in the family room at Covenant. It’s a time for men to gather for fellowship and discipleship.

    We always have an all-around quality experience together in our quest to be better men and disciples of Christ. All men 18 years and older are welcome.

    Mark Hoffman is your contact if you have questions.

    7:30 am Mountain Time (US and Canada)

    Every month on the Third Saturday

They devoted themselves to

the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, 

to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Acts 2:42, NRSV